Chapter 2: The First Acceptances!

Ah, winter break. The time of year where high school seniors can go into the holidays hopefully relaxed knowing that they are either almost complete with the application process or have received a number of acceptances. Although December has always been one of my favorite months, it was quite a stressful one for me in 2017. On top of normal schoolwork, I anxiously awaited for any sign of a response from the colleges I applied to in October. When I received my four notices of admission in four days, all right before Christmas, I was beyond ecstatic and relieved that 1) I was going to college somewhere, 2) I had a number of choices, and 3) I could enter into break relaxed. I am still waiting on a number of acceptances (!!!) in the coming winter months. Then, the problem will be deciding where the heck I am going to go…
Stay tuned!