The End of the Beginning: The Last Installment

It has been quite a year for the seniors of LOLHS: touring colleges, taking college courses for credit, applying to colleges, getting accepted to colleges, you get it. It seems as if our whole senior year has been focused on college, and no one could wait for the end of the year because we would all be set on our future plans. Now, the end of the year is here. All decisions regarding college and future plans are finalized, APs are wrapping up, and only fun activities await for us. First and foremost is prom, the event that anyone’s high school experience is not complete without. Then, there’s the Senior Banquet, Senior Trip, Senior Awards, the Day that Shall Not be Named, and of course Graduation. These last few weeks will definitely fly by (which makes me super excited!), and then we will be embarking on our own journeys in pursuit of higher education, some of us across the country, east coast, or maybe just the state (in my case). Nonetheless, being close to the end of the beginning of our lives is a nervewracking and exciting experience, but it does open the doors to the rest of your life. You know what they say: When you graduate high school, your life officially begins.