CMEA Festival from a Choral Student’s Perspective

On Saturday, November 14th, students from LOLHS’s bands and choruses will be competing at the Connecticut Music Educator Association’s annual Adjudication High School Music Festival at Killingly High School in Dayville, CT. Students sign up in the beginning of the year to perform in at least one festival during the academic school year if they are in level one chorus or band, or they could do it just for fun as well. This year, chorus students will perform one of four songs: “Danza, Danza Fanciula Gentile,” for sopranos, “Nina,” for altos, “Amarilli, Mia Bella,” for tenors, and “Tu Lo Sai,” for basses. All songs chosen are in Italian, which is a rule annually enforced by the Connecticut Music Educators Association. The audition contains three parts for choral students: sing one of the assigned pieces above from memory (based on what voice part you are,) sing two major scales given by the judges, and be able to sight sing eight bars of music. If the judges think a student does an exceptional job, they will be asked to participate at the Eastern Region Music Festival at UCONN in Storrs on January 8th and 9th. At this stage, all students sing the same song, which will soon be determined. Advancing this far is not only considered quite an accomplishment, but lots of fun as well. Good luck to all students participating!