Operation Stuff the Turkey!

From November 13th-November 16th, National Honor Society and Community Service Club are hosting a food drive at LOLHS. The mission of this food drive is to collect food and donations that will go to low-income Lyme-Old Lyme families so they can have a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Each NHS and CSC member was assigned a homeroom to collect goods from and created a festive box for that homeroom to put the food in. Also, Ms. Schrein decorated a huge bin as a turkey which sits in the Commons, and everyday members of NHS and CSC bring the food collected down to put in the bin. Eventually, the “turkey” will be overflowing with food, “stuffing” it. The food drive is not intended to be a competition against homerooms, however everyone is advised to bring in as much food as possible in order to ensure that everyone in the LOL community will be fed this Thanksgiving. Please bring in non-perishable food, such as canned goods, pasta, baking mixes, etc. Also, food is not the only thing being asked for donation: cleaning supplies and pet food are also desired. Don’t forget to donate, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!