Opinions on Spirit Week 2019


This past week–September 23rd to the 27th– was Spirit week at LOLHS. The week went as follows: Monday was dynamic duo day; Tuesday was “Saved by the Bell”; Wednesday, decades day; Thursday, meme day; and Friday, colors and pep rally! I missed out on a few days last week, so I decided to ask around and see what peoples’ opinions were about the different spirit days and the week as a whole.

The pep rally seemed to be a fan favorite–always a good time, never disappoints. Though some found the senior entrance to be a bit… confusing, the fun games and traditional pep rally festivities really got the group going. To some, just the fact that it was customary to the year-by-year proceedings was enough to make it enjoyable for them. No one can deny the fact that it just isn’t a Lyme-Old Lyme pep rally if the seniors don’t win!

Unfortunately, the themed days themselves and the week as a whole was a different story. While some had a great time throughout the week and thought that “all of the themes were solid,” quite a few found the days boring, uncreative, and used. Sadie Frankel, a junior here at LOLHS, when asked her opinion on the chosen themes, said that she “felt that they had all been done before,” and that there needed to be a bit more creativity. Overall, the opinion was that it was “normal” and “fine,” but nothing really stood out or made it special.

After speaking with some students, I got a few updates on what I missed, some opinions, and what could be improved in the future. General suggestions for those organizing? New, updated themes, and bring back the music at lunch!