Faculty Feature!!

This week’s feature: Glynis Houde!

Welcome to Faculty Feature!!! Not every week’s story will start off like this, but Osprey would like to introduce our new column, Faculty Feature! Each week, one faculty member will be recognized for their hard work and dedication to the students. It may not always be an academic teacher–for example, this week’s feature is…… Glynis Houde in the counseling office!

The secretary in Guidance, Mrs. Houde works very hard each and every day (all school year and summer!) for the students here at Lyme-Old Lyme. She organizes college and career events, helps students reach their counselors, and helps the students all-around. She helps juniors and seniors with college visits, scholarships, and award applications, and is a huge help to all of the seniors in their college process. She is always there to help a student when they are handing in some sort of AP requirement, or when they have questions about their ECE registration. If you are ever looking for a form for college visits, teacher recommendations, or anything you may need, Mrs. Houde can always help point you in the right direction.

For always being so helpful and caring so much about the students here at LOLHS, we recognize Mrs. Houde. She is always patient and kind no matter who comes through the guidance office, no matter their level of respect toward her. Thank you for all your help and compassion, guidance would be chaos without you!