The Health Benefits of Skiing


Skiing has many physical and mental health benefits; it improves our mental health, eating habits, immune system, and it is a great workout.

Improves Cardiovascular and Muscular System

Skiing is an aerobic activity and can burn up to 756 calories an hour; skiing is a great cardiovascular exercise. The sport is also great for building lower body strength, flexibility, balance, and core strength.
While skiing, you are in a constant squatting position; this results in working your inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Also, our core is involved the whole time because we are continually working to stay balanced. Finally, skiing builds flexibility; you can avoid sprains or strains more often.

Improves Proprioception

Proprioception is the perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body. For example, if you were too close your eyes and place your hand in front of your face: you would still know your hand is there even without seeing it. Skiing involves proprioception because our mind subconsciously keeps skiers in an upright position while they process the upcoming terrain, moguls, and trees. The ability to have this sense devolves with age, or if an athlete sustains an injury. However, by doing activities that involve proprioception, you are more likely to be aware of it at an older age. 

Improves Eating Habits

After and before an entire day of skiing, our body requires proper nutrients to function correctly. When needing to fuel up before a day’s event, we become more conscious of the food we eat. You will become aware of eating more proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, fewer sugars and quick carbs. 

Improves Mental Health

Being outdoors improves mental health by reducing stress and increasing production of Vitamin D, which decreases the risk of seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.). A recent study confirmed the health benefits of staying outdoors. There were two separate groups; the first group took a nature walk, while the other group walked in an urban setting. The first group’s result was incomparable of the second group; the outcomes showed those who took the nature walk had less anxiety, decreased negative self-talk, and they performed better on a cognitive test.