The Benefits of Playing Chess

Chess is an ancient two-person strategy game set on an eight by eight grid with six kinds of pieces: pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, a queen, and a king. Each type of piece has a different way it can navigate the board and capture opponents pieces. The goal of chess is to attack the enemy king, in such a way that it cannot escape the attack on its next move, in what is known as checkmate. The beauty of chess is the amount of thought required to achieve such a seemingly simple task. This mental exercise is found to be very beneficial, especially for young players. Playing chess is great for younger kids because it teaches them how to take a loss and to consider the consequences of their actions; it also requires remaining focused for long periods of time. All of these qulaities are great things for kids develop. Chess has also been found to improve problem-solving, which makes sense as throughout a game one must always be thinking of the best move, taking into account the short and long-term consequences of. Besides improving your brain, each chess game is unique from the last which makes playing a very enjoyable and rarely boring experience. I recommend for everyone to get into chess at some point; it is a great mental exercise for our developing minds, and beyond that it offers a chance to bond with a friend or make new friends entirely.